Stephen L. Thompson’s Published Works

Stephen L. Thompson’s

For the longest time, I just listed my haikus on my Other Published Works page with my poems and other stuff, but I started posting more haikus – to eventually, hopefully, fill out a collection – and it seemed like a good idea to just make a separate page for them.

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“brilliant sky flowers”

July 4, 2024 My Bluesky profile

This is my default Fourth of July haiku.

Click here to read it.

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“rumbles in the night”

July 3, 2024 My Bluesky profile

I was looking for a haiku to post around the Fourth of July, and this seemed to fit. I don’t remember the original reason I wrote it.

Click here to read it.

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“burning need to write”

June 24, 2024 My Mastodon profile

Somedays, you just have to work with whatever embers you have.

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“cancelled TV shows”

June 24, 2024 My Bluesky profile

Unfortunately, this is an all-too-common occurrence for me.

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“tea and buttered toast”

June 15, 2024 My Bluesky profile

It’s probably a safe bet that I came up with this sometime while I was under the weather.

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“each night projected”

June 10, 2024 My Mastodon profile

A nice, poetic view of dreams, I guess.

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“hours becoming days”

June 6, 2024 My Bluesky profile

Somedays, the sentences do become novels. But most days they barely count as sentences. But life continues.

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“unpaid assassin”

May 28, 2024 My Bluesky profile

For some reason, the phrase “unpaid assassin” came to mind, and I knew I needed to use it in something.

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“rumble of thunder”

May 19, 2024 My Bluesky profile

The opening of many movies.

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“day after day spent”

May 13, 2024 My Mastodon profile

I’ve had too many days of just going through the motions.

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“when your pounding head”

May 10, 2024 My Bluesky profile

I think we’ve all, unfortunately, have experienced this.

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“blank notebook pages”

May 1, 2024 My Bluesky profile

This has happened … many, many times.

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“since the accident”

April 29, 2024 My Mastodon profile

What kind of accident would do that?

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“Mother Earth broken”

April 22, 2024 My Bluesky profile

It’s not the best, but what do you expect for a last minute Earth Day haiku?

Click here to read it.

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“being denied worlds”

April 15, 2024 My Mastodon profile

My “To Read” book pile would agree with this.

Click here to read it.

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“warm breezes taunt me”

April 13, 2024 My Bluesky profile

I wrote this years ago. I don’t remember what exactly led to it, but I was probably stuck at work on a nice day.

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“slow, rainy commute”

April 4, 2024 My Bluesky profile

I wrote this at work. I don’t think it was raining, but my coworker was in a mood, for justifiable reasons.

Click here to read it.

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“painted, rotten eggs”

April 1, 2024 My Mastodon profile

Given that this year April Fool’s Day was the day after Easter, it seemed obvious to combine the two.

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“ink splattered pages”

March 26, 2024 My Bluesky profile

I do think writing is an attempt at immortality.

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“aching back and joints”

March 18, 2024 My Mastodon profile

I was on my lunch break at work and I was trying to ease my aching back. So I wrote that down, and it didn’t take long to finish this.

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“countless people cry”

March 4, 2024 My Mastodon profile

A sadly accurate view of too many.

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“morally bankrupt”

February 19, 2024 My Mastodon profile

This sums him up pretty well.

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“heightened emotions”

January 8, 2024 My Mastodon profile

Every four years.

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“joyous Christmas morn”

December 25, 2023 My Mastodon profile

I think a lot of people can relate to this.

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“fireplace aglow”

December 11, 2023 My Mastodon profile

Some years ago, a writing group I was in put together a little collection of stories, poems, and artwork. I ran out of time writing a story, so I submitted a couple of haikus. This was one. I’m trying to post more haiku, but I don’t have that many new ones, so I just reposted this one.

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“interesting site”

November 27, 2023 My Mastodon profile

It seems like half the websites I go to show me ads, while the other half are like DISABLE YOUR AD BLOCKER, OR ELSE!

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“doped-up old hippie”

November 13, 2023 My Mastodon profile

I first posted this some fifteen years ago on MySpace. I figured it deserved a reposting.

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“dark shadows will laugh”

October 30, 2023 My Mastodon profile

A somewhat spooky haiku for the spooky season.

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“horror of today”

July 10, 2023 My Mastodon profile

I can’t remember when I wrote this, but it was probably during a power outage.

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“Brilliant Sky Flowers”

July 4, 2023 My Mastodon profile

It was the Fourth of July and I remembered I had a firework haiku, so I reposted it.

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“Empty cubical”

June 12, 2023 My Mastodon profile

I used to work in a lab, and one of the things I enjoyed doing was running some test that took twenty minutes where I didn’t have to do anything, so I’d just go outside on nice days and walk around for a bit before going back to work.

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“warming weather brings”

April 17, 2023 My Mastodon profile

I wrote this because it was a warm spring and I wanted to get started gardening. And then it rained for a week.

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“Too busy to write”

March 20, 2023 My Mastodon profile

Life imitating art?

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“scribbled paper bits”

January 16, 2023 My Mastodon profile

It would be faster to just read it.

Click here to read it.

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“temperatures rise”

January 11, 2023 My Project Mushroom profile

If you don’t have a Project Mushroom account, here it is: temperatures rise / fires and storms and flooding – but / the economy

Or click here to read it, if you do have a Project Mushroom account.

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“you would not believe”

December 19, 2022 My Mastodon profile

It would be faster to just read it.

Click here to read it.

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“heightened emotions”

October 26, 2022 My amanfewwords Twitter profile

Ew, a political haiku.

Click here to read it.

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“welcome to the web”

September 28, 2022 My amanfewwords Twitter profile

Probably an accurate description of the internet.

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“fireplace aglow”

May 8, 2014 Writer’s Stew, Volume Two (Defunct)

The writing group I’m part of has started putting together a little collection of poems, artwork, short stories. I wanted to do a short story, but I ran out of time so I just submitted two haiku.

The haiku is not online.

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“branches creak above”

May 8, 2014 Writer’s Stew, Volume Two (Defunct)

The writing group I’m part of has started putting together a little collection of poems, artwork, short stories. I wanted to do a short story, but I ran out of time so I just submitted two haiku.

The haiku is not online.

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“mug of steaming tea”

July 2013, Stephen L. Thompson Newsletter

I was in a coffee shop to do some writing, and this just came out.

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“dripping sweat upon”

May 2013, Stephen L. Thompson Newsletter

This was just something I came up with after thinking about working in the garden.

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“some jackasss bomber”

April 2013, Stephen L. Thompson Newsletter

One of the writing groups I’m in had a poetry reading event that started a few hours after the bombings in Boston. This was just something I whipped out that night.

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“pen scratching paper”

April 11, 2013 Writer’s Stew (Defunct)

The writing group I’m part of got the idea of putting together a little collection of poems, artwork, short stories. I wanted to do a poem relating to writing, and I came up with this haiku.

The haiku is not online.

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“black shape upon snow”

March 2013, Stephen L. Thompson Newsletter

This stems from a real – and somewhat unpleasant – experience.

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“a list of ideas”

February 2013, Stephen L. Thompson Newsletter

I have too many ideas, thus I wrote a haiku about that.

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“blustering wind strikes”

January 2013, Stephen L. Thompson Newsletter

My internet often goes out when it is windy, but I was unsure if other people had the same problem. So I switched it to cable.

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“deep blanket of snow”

December 2012, Stephen L. Thompson Newsletter

What else do you do when there’s a “deep blanket of snow?”

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“rattling windows”

October 2012, Stephen L. Thompson Newsletter

We’ve had some storms lately, and this seemed to fit in with that and Halloween.

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“modern day horror”

August 2012, Stephen L. Thompson Newsletter

My internet connection isn’t always reliable. There are days where it seems it connects for a couple of minutes, only to lose it for five or ten minutes. It’s annoying, and at times extremely frustrating. So I turned part of that into a haiku.

Click here to read it.

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“snow covered mountains”

July 2012, Stephen L. Thompson Newsletter

I had just returned from a bus trip out west where I saw numerous mountains not capped with snow but at least with some snow on them and there were a few times where I had a nearly dead camera battery

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“air conditioning”

May 2012, Stephen L. Thompson Newsletter

I was having lunch at Subway trying to think of something quick to write for my newsletter. The AC was on a bit high, and I joked about it was freezing my ideas. So I came up with this.

Click here to read it.

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“first snow, then sunshine”

January 2012, Stephen L. Thompson Newsletter

I needed to write something quick for my newsletter. Given the weather, this is what I came up with.

Click here to read it.

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“Late at night it calls”

November 2011, Stephen L. Thompson Newsletter

I had the idea of leftover turkey coming back to life, so I wanted to do something with zombie turkey.

Click here to read it.

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“All the time falling”

October 2011, Stephen L. Thompson Newsletter

It had been a rather rainy month, so I wrote an haiku about it.

Click here to read it.

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“Delving into words”

February 2010, Stephen L. Thompson Newsletter

The other day I was watching a marathon of episodes of this one show that I watch for fun. What sucked was that every commercial break they had a promo – or two – for their latest “reality” show. It made me feel a tad bitter because I spend so much time crafting stories with plot and character, whereas these schmucks just get drunk and yell at people and make it on TV.

And now – as I’m typing this – I’m somewhat watching a movie that’s beloved by millions. I probably haven’t seen it for ten years, and it’s not that surprising because it sucks. I mean there are more holes than plot. Here I am, trying to write good stories, and crap like that is on TV.

Now if I could turn my bitterness into words on a page.

Click here to read it.

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“At bedtime I pit”

September 2009, Stephen L. Thompson Newsletter

Have you ever woken up one morning to realize that it was the end of the month? That happened to me. I never got around to writing a story for my newsletter, and I didn’t want to do nothing, so I took five minutes and wrote out a haiku about not having enough time.

Click here to read it.

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“rugged snow capped peaks”

November 2008, Stephen L. Thompson Newsletter

Some time ago, I came up with the phrase “brick and steel leech” as a poetic description of a place of work. It’s not that I hate my job, but it feels like so much of my life is being sucked away by this ominous … thing. And recently at work we had things “shuffled” and I was moved to a new lab. I’m not complaining (as such) but I was comfortable where I was. I mean, I knew how to look busy and how to hide my mistakes. Now I have to relearn all of that. So this month I was feeling kinda down about work and started working on a story dealing with the “brick and steel leech” idea, but I didn’t really get that far with it. On an entirely different matter, I was going through a book of Ansel Adams photographs. As often happens with me, the two ideas fused, and since I was short on time, I wrote a haiku.

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“Too busy to write”

July 2008, Stephen L. Thompson Newsletter

This just shows a fear I have of life getting in the way of my writing.

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“You Would Not Believe,” et al.

May 2008, oneoveralpha MySpace profile (Defunct)

These are just four haiku I put up on my MySpace page.

These are no longer online

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“Bitter Cold Darkness”

November 2007, Scifaikuest (Defunct)

It’s a scifi haiku. What can I say about seventeen syllables.

This is no longer online.

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“Brilliant Sky Flowers”

July 2005, Sigla Magazine (Defunct)

I was just playing around, trying to write a Fourth of July haiku, and this is what I came up with. Since it is so short, I’ll just put it here.

Brilliant sky flowers
Breaking the still, silent night
With blooms of thunder

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