Stephen L. Thompson's Website


To Stephen L. Thompson’s Webpage

Steve who? What is oneoveralpha anyway?


January 3, 2024 – I just posted a blog about My writing goals for 2024 which, well, I’m sure you can figure it out.

October 6, 2023 – I finally managed to publish The Uncapped Pen!

May 24, 2023 – I’ve been trying to post more microfiction stories. Unfortunately, they don’t fit in my system for linking to stories, so I just started a new page for them.

If you’ve come from the dumpster fire of Twitter, here’s my Mastodon profile. I also have a Bluesky profile, but I haven’t had the time to do much with it.

In 2017, I posted a blog asking How did you find me? I’m curious to know how people discovered my work. If you would be so kind as to go and leave a comment, it would be most appreciated.

Monthly Spotlight

The spotlight is on:

Seventh Story Stockpile

Over the years, I’ve posted several short stories on websites that later – for one reason or another – died. While the corpses of some of these sites are still around where you can still read a few of the stories, many have vanished from the internet. And since there are few sites that will publish such previously published works, the only way you could read most of them was if I self-published them in a collection.

In addition to such “lost” stories, I’ve included some new stories that – for one reason or another – I felt I’d have a hard time finding someone to publish them. So Seventh Story Stockpile basically contains stories I didn’t know what to do with. But now I can move on to other projects.

Grab your copy of Seventh Story Stockpile on Kindle.

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Other things

Contact Steve at steve at oneoveralpha dot com.(Damn spammers.)

And if you like what you see, you can always tip me on Ko-fi or Buy me a coffee.